How beautiful it is to have such a presumably well put together device, in which we humans call the mind. If one is to further divulge into the absolute functions that befall our being, the mind is the one instrument that implements all things. Without such a device, one would not be able to function, or will they? Questions may arise to whether or not a person can function without full capacities of such a device. However, for this sake I wish not to digress any further into such an argument, but rather, would like to expunge upon the beauty that one is blessed with to cognitively output expressions, thoughts, emotions, and actions.
The functionality of such a pristine instrument affords an individual an endless array of outputs and uses. As one is birthed to the known world, the instrument that is the mind is quickly depositing the five sense of the environment that surrounds every individual. Even before conception, the mind is fully functioning and interpreting to the body the instructions it requires to operate. There is a touch of beauty that arises from such notions, a mother and child, two minds at work in constant and unified collaboration, which in the end produce a new being. If one is to postulate on the brevity of this importance during conception, there will remain not any astonishment on the importance of the mind and its functions. Furthermore, what is to say about the mental capacities as one develops into their own adolescence? It is one thing to inquire upon how a child accumulates their awareness of the known environment, but it is very intriguing to discuss further the capabilities at work during a child’s adolescence. For more freedom is willed from the mind than it is during child rearing, as a child is heavily dependent upon the nurturing and care taking from a parental figure at this stage, rather than during adolescence. As one matures into their adolescent stage and begins to fully incorporate all the minds functions, a new awareness is found. Allowing for full capacity of the instrument, one is at total freedom to divulge themselves into an abundance of inquiries. As it may be, the mind is then allowed to produce and wow an individual on the true nature of what the mind uses and functions are. I can recount times of deep thought where the experiences of fully tapping into the understanding of our very nature have placed my knowledge to a prudent test. For example, as I sit in this very room typing away and express my thoughts on paper so to speak, is it really I who is in full control of the what is presented, is it I who is really expunging upon the nature of things, or is there some other part of my soul or mind that is fully in control? To some extent my body is an instrument to which the implementing of typing words is derived; however it is just that, a body. Therefore are there two functions intertwined and occurring at exact moments of one another? A mind or soul, and a body, I pose is separate of one another. Pardon my digression for this concept is nothing new, and one is able to read any philosophical writing and find similar illustrations on this very topic, but this was just an illustration on the minds capabilities that have been afforded to me only in the current stage of my life and could not have occurred or put forth during childhood. As a result, one is then able to see the progression of this beautiful instrument that is the mind and its capabilities. I find a certain intricate aurora on how the mind functions and is pivotal to a person’s being, and often wonder what it would be like to be deprived of the freedom to fully divulge into such an instrument.
Emmanuel "God with us"
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