Saturday, February 20, 2010

A Word of Caution

In a society that has become to be structured around self gratification, and enlightenment found within meaningless items, the need for a person’s mind to grow is clearly apparent now. Today, concern has begun to evolve and questions that had previously been solidified are coming into light once again. These questions force and individual to go outside their comfort level and seek out answers that may not favor their perception or even beliefs. It is up to the individual to become the analytical reader and cognitively sound thinker. More importantly, when faced with an argument that does not side with that of the individual who is seeking the knowledge, this person must grapple with the argument and make the decision on whether to accept these new facts or remain fervent upon their sacred beliefs.
Confrontations as these will not only place upon the individual a new enlightenment, but also will allow the individual to derive new inquiries. This person’s overall attitude towards life will then develop and shape into a more concerned and thoughtful individual. If this person happens to find themselves in a circumstance that asked more of the person, then more is what should be pursued. There is nothing wrong with finding out new details on a subject that was thought to have been probed to its extent. As a scientist must grapple with the fact that his/her studies and findings today will be continuously probed till new information is found, so then should the individual who is so ardent upon their own beliefs find solace in the enlightenment from others upon their very own beliefs. The pursuit within an individual concerning knowledge should be that of never being content with what one knows now. There is a world of people whose cognitive process differs from that of our own. Therefore, opinions on any particular subject should be sought out from all in order to develop our very own mind.
As I find myself today trying to fully understand the many concerns that are incorporated into our daily lives, I understand that there will be challenges to come that I must surpass while in this process of discovery. One of the most difficult situations that I am currently plagued with is the doctrine of the Bible. Many interpretations and takes by various people have come to surface since the Bible was derived. The knowledge of the Bible that I have come to derive has come by the way of my religious institution, and that should not be the only source of my understanding. Discussion is one of the many ways that a new perspective from another individual can influence or change my account of religion. However convincing or sure sounding the information that a person may come into contact with, an individual must attain the skills to become the analytical reader and sound thinker in order to fully understand the content being posed. There should never be an individual to become swayed so easily or convinced so quickly without thorough scrutinizing.
There will always remain information that any one individual will perhaps not come into to contact with until later in time or not even at all, however this should not be looked upon in a discouraging way. The time will come when the information that will change or influence previously held perceptions, and this timing is sometimes reliant upon maturation. Not always is the case that a new take on religion for instance, is received with appreciation. It is dependent upon the individual and their cognitive ability to discern any postulation that will either allow new information to be welcomed or guarded. Which brings up a good point, as life continues for all inhabitants of this glorious world, one should always live life with some sort of caution towards information. Especially the college student, in some cases I have found myself to be instructed by a professor who is so biased that the subject that is being covered is full of embellishment or so deluded with their own personal take on the course. As this applies to the professor at hand, so does this bit of advice apply to the one who is seeking the knowledge and in turn reciprocating their knowledge onto any other individual. One should never allow any personal feelings or strong holds to interfere will clearly expressing the learned material. Therefore, as a person seeks knowledge on various subject matter, one should keep in mind the process by they expand their mind and be considerate of new postulations to come.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Life is intimidating

Los Angeles County is both exciting and intimidating at the same time. It’s exciting due to LA being one of the major cities in the world. People immigrate to this city from all over the world. The great melting pot that is Los Angeles is one of the major tourist attractions that bring a diversified group of people to our backyard throughout the year. This very notion has to bring pride to any Angelino, the glamour of Hollywood, the music and art’s culture, and not to mention the best weather all year around. These are only a few of the many things that make Los Angeles one of the most exciting cities to live in. However LA would not be able to live up to the hype without a little drama. Therefore the most intimidating part about living in LA is the fact that within these cities limits are the most affluent power players. From the city of Beverly Hills to the Hollywood Hills, and stretching to the coast of Rancho Palos Verdes to Malibu, are the resident’s dwellings and cash flow which floods into the local politics and into the capitol building in Sacramento.
The intimidation comes by the way of the politics that are intertwined into the daily life of all Angelinos. Decisions that are made in this city are heavily influenced by the power player and their bank accounts. Now for an ordinary Angelino like me and coming from the streets of the most urban areas, cash flow like that is not present. On the other hand, even though there will always remain those power players who get to hang out at the lavish banquets and write a check at the end of it, the young spirited individuals who hope to one day not only make it out of the under developed parts of LA, but to make a name for themselves will be there just beside those individuals. There remains no intentions on my part to distraught the idea of becoming successful and having this kind of cash flow. Rather my intent in heavily concerned on how one measures success.
The power players so to speak measure of success amounts to fiscal capabilities. Humbleness is what comes by the way of a person who seeks an improved way of living but does it with no intention on the benefits. I have recently met an individual who has put all that into perspective for me. A man who has been succumbed by the influences of gang activity and all that entails from this life has such an inspiring story. For part of life, he was under the control of the powerful Mongol biker gang and has had his stints in the prison systems from the age of 16. However, this individual has championed his way to success, but not by man’s definition. Defeating a drug addiction and overcoming the negativity to achieve his goals, Mark is well rounded guy who has made it to the top of the educational pole. Professor of Anthropology at UCLA (now retired), Mark has accomplished what most would think can’t be done from a person of this background. Ultimately what is comes down to as stated by Mark “people would say that the most a person from my personal experiences can achieve is a new outlook on life and perhaps a religious life at best….they’re not suppose to travel the world and end being a professor at UCLA after going through what I went through.” This attitude is found being pressed upon many individual who make it out of the most destructive situations. If they are given the opportunity they will achieve. This however is not the number one thing on a person’s mind when coming into contact with a guy like Mark after finding a new perspective on life. It is unfortunate, but there needs to be more people like Mark in our world, those who have seen people give up on them but still fight relentlessly to reach their goals.
God Bless.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Capitol Punishment

Despite which stance an individual may take on the argument of the death penalty, one thing is certain, currently the state of which the law of capital punishment functions in California is in disarray. The height of incarceration has gravely increased over the past 15 years in which it has created drastic effects fiscally upon our budget. As a result from this many programs that benefit the general public in various areas have suffered as well. Furthermore, from our current situation many questions have begun to surface on whether our legislative system is capable of creating laws that not only function during the present time, but could also effectively sustain the test of time.
To further divulge into the concept of Capital punishment, an individual must come to face the most discerning question on whether it is ethical to comprise on the death penalty given the state of our economy. The total cost to taxpayers is a blistering $90,000 more a year to house a prisoner on death row than it would cost to house that prisoner in another type of high-security prison. As for the total additional cost for housing all of California’s death row inmates, that number is well over $60 million a year. One note to make clear is, those individuals who are making these decisions ultimately don’t lie within our capitol building, but are comprised of individual who make up the American Law Institute. This personal consist of a membership of more than 4,000 lawyers, judges and law professors of the highest qualifications who influence state law makers. I should also make mentions the powerful influence held by the union’s financial support. The “three strikes law” sponsor is the correctional officers union, who flood political personal with campaign cash who in turn will support the unions and any mandates that they would like to get passed. With all the behind the scenes drama that unfolds, it is no wonder why the legislative process is so entwined with outside concerns, which eventually effects their duty to correctly make legislative decisions. Such question on whether to suspend funding to the prison system to help aid the educational systems have not a fighting chance.
The facts are laid out an available for public view, there are about 700 people on death row in California, and it can take up to 25 years for mandatory appeals to be completed. The resources available to people on death row are inadequate and thus create a prolonged process due to inmates not having access to constitutionally required lawyers. Therefore, what should the state of California do? After careful analysis from our country’s top legal minds, the institute has concluded that the system it created does not work and cannot be fixed. Furthering the complications, our law makers have concluded that we could not devise a death penalty system that will ensure fairness in process or outcome, or even that innocent people will not be executed. So what then is to conclude on the brevity of our current situation, do we stand and let this manner be as it may, or do we fervently work to derive a solution?
As stated before, despite what stance an individual may take upon this argument, the very nature of our actions has created another ambiguous problematic situation to be placed upon the American people. To compromise on capital punishment is to give up some sense of authority. Do the defendants gain any sense of relief knowing that the very state and nature of the death penalty has met its breaking point? Will the educational systems have to give in to the pervasive problems that riddle our legislative personal? Is the current solution to derail the death penalty, that being to sentence such prisoners to life without parole suffice? Problems as this and similar problems that may tie into this dialogue have gripped our country to the point that being content with suffocation is the only viable option. I say that despite the troubles our country along with its inhabitants are faced with, one must not give into the somber news and revelations that seem to plague our media outlets on a daily basis. As the concerns begin to rise up so will the people and becoming aware of our very nature must remain incessantly embroiled into our daily habits. In order to make laws that stand the test of time and do not fall into disarray, influences must be eliminated and voices must be heard. Therefore, I urged every citizen to live with the mentality to earnestly seek out information and to not be dismayed by those who hold degrees, for the will of the individual will be sought out so long as their presence is known.
God Bless.

(This publication was taken with high influence from Michael Traynor, who is President Emeritus of the American Law Institute).

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Religiosity offers a sense of enlightenment within an individual and with this revelation a person will be able to analyze their self and come to draw a conclusion on how moral a life they live. The hardest part of living a religious life is to seek out the good in every daily action a person will partake in. I feel that the number one reason that deters most individuals from following a religious walk is their hesitation to give up their most precious desires. Consequently, those who find their self in this predicament rather live contently knowing that they are permitted to pursue any desire without guilt than give a religious pursuit a fighting chance. However the case may be for any given individual, I find the information that concedes a person to believe the fallibility of having to give up everything in order to live with purity is far off.
For the most part living a life that is accepted by the church can have little difference from those individuals who find themselves vacant from Sunday service on a weekly basis. Truth be known, the religious follower has just as much freedom to do what their heart desires than the general person. Ultimately, a life lived without passion is not a life lived at all. Therefore, who is to say that one should not pursue what they want to pursue and do it confidently. The only difference between the non-believer and the believer is the absence of attending service and acknowledging the presence of a divine being. I feel that I must clarify the meaning of pursuing a person’s desire more thoroughly in order to avoid confusion for those who feel that this explanation permits any ostentatious behavior.
If a person who feels that pursuing their most heartfelt desire of which is to commit murder time and time again, clearly is not justified in doing so. That example may have been a little too extreme, however the point being that there are justification and limitations that a person should take into consideration when regarding morals. Therefore, if an individual feels that their motives are justified in doing as they please, then so let it be. The church does not place limitations on a person who becomes a believer, but rather permits them to decisively make the judgment on whether their actions are pure or not. There will come a time when an individual will have to make a choice on whether such actions as continuously being drunk with alcohol is morally right. The difference then arises between the believer and non-believer in the process of conducting oneself. The believer is equipped to make just decisions on their daily actions, pursuits and passions due to having the ability to analyze an action before pursuing it fully. This ability is highly influenced by the teachings of religion, in which allows the individual to examine the consequences of illegitimate decision making. On the other hand, the non-believer does not fully forgo any intuitive analyzing before taking part in an action, but rather may be influenced by conformity from the greater society and see a particular action as acceptable.
To contradict generalizing the subject of the non-believers thought process and actions, I concur with the fact that all individuals do act differently when put in a given situation and no two individuals think alike. Therefore, there will be persons who will analyze their actions before permitting to follow through who are not religiously involved. The point that I am trying to make is that a religious lifestyle offers any particular individual enlightenment on their overall outlook on life. In addition, following a religious lifestyle does not equate to having to live a mundane life. For those who find themselves stuck in a paradox of choosing to live with or without religion as a focal point in their life, I would like to elaborate on one more point. Within the realms of this earthly world and that of which lays beyond death, an individual will have to make decisions that will ultimately reflect on their character, and if a person feels contrite while living upon this earth in their demeanor without any influence, then so be it. I could only take from my own experiences and compare the two trains of thought, although I do feel that an advantage is given to those who are believers of a faith, I know how arduous a task of following a religious walk can be, but I have come to recognize that one of the main precursors that make this happen to be that way is the constant temptations, strife, and hurt that lays upon this world. As for now, I find solace in religion and can disregard the struggles that plague this earth, by standing by the faith of knowing there lays a better place, and this notion alone gives me enough hope to continue my religious walk.

God Bless.

Monday, February 1, 2010


During a period of anticipation, an individual will encounter many trials, tests, and mourning. This type of waiting is not the kind that most are accustomed to; this period of waiting is more meaningful. Usually, when an individual finds themselves in such an experience as this, what they are waiting for is something that others would not be able to comprehend. Others may see the struggle that the individual is going through and wonder why that particular person is so willing to continue the hardship of waiting. As for the trials, tests, and mourning, they come in many stages and in various magnitudes. Before I continue on, I feel that I should define more in detail what I mean by a period of anticipation.
Anticipation plainly is the feeling of longing for what is yet to come. For this discussion, I will focus on the anticipatory type that pertains to life goals. There is always something that will arise that spurs motivation to seek that something out. As we all know, waiting is the hardest thing to do. There begins to evolve a tumbling of the stomach, wrenching headaches, and sweaty palms, but these are all signs that what your waiting for is worth the wait. As the duration of time passes for what is yet to come, there will be a period that will pose several tests, trials, and mourning. These tests may consist of situations where a difficult choice is eminent. The trials that are to arise will perhaps come from that particular decision made during the test. The mourning is not to be taken in the literal sense as to when a person passes on to their day of judgment, but in an analogical sense. The mourning could come in the form of grief and as a way to relieve the pressure from the tests and trials one will have to endure to complete the period of anticipation. Now that a sufficient amount of elaboration on the subject matter has been posed, I shall discuss the various stages of anticipation into greater length.
To be honest and candid in the same manner, no one person would like to be tested in order to see how pure hearted their judgment may be, and who is to say that whether or not, an individual is deserving enough to receive what they are waiting for? Despite how anyone perceives this topic, the reality is, these tests must be endured and are pivotal in shaping that particular individual. These testes should not be thought of with hostility, but accepted as a tool that will shape and prepare ourselves for what is to come. Moving along to the period of waiting where a person will find themselves faced with many trials. These trials may come in the form of heartache and let down and perhaps even doubt. Truly these experiences will either lead anyone to submission and ultimately to renounce their goal all together. When this occurs, it is important to go back to that place or origin, bring out those feelings and hunger that started the process of achieving that one goal. That hunger and dedication to overcome any adversity will carry the burden away all the while strengthening and feeding the hunger to continue on the path towards that goal. As for the final stage of the anticipatory period, mourning may not seem at fist a healthy outcome, but be assured this may be the most imperative part of the process. Mourning will come in many stages in its own right, and to every individual is its own experience. The struggle to keep believing in achieving that goal will come at a price which will lead to the breaking point. After the tests and the trials, coping with the breakdown will have its tears, doubt and strife, but when the tears have dried up and the reassurance sets in and the strife is no longer evident , an individual could reflect on how far they have come and realize that achieving their goal is near.
There could only be one reason why so many individuals that are in a period of waiting, are willing to endure this experience. This reason can be found within themselves, their heart and passion and commitment to what they believe in, is what allows those individuals to have solace to continue on. If life’s achievements were so easily attainable, how can any individual truly learn what their made of so to speak. Character is found during those times of hardship and pain, and to think of the gratification that will come in the end after fulfilling that goal is well worth it. Therefore, I offer one more caveat of wisdom, never try to make things happen in your time, for it is in God's timing that all things will come to past.

God Bless.